Tuesday, September 11, 2012

  A good place to learn by reading.  


   Try one story or two.


  1. Hello Mr. Brent

    This is Khayran ALharbi,

    John and his family, first, ther are in a restaurant John is invitation his family.next, maira was very hoppy amd his children too. after that, he holding a knife and a fork maria ordered green salad she likes salad tom ordered cheese jane ordered sop. john was wear blue t shirt maria wears green t shirt next day tom absent his class he is very lazy evry day he is late he is 8 years old jane is very smart girl she goes to her scool evry day she is 7 years old .

    1. John and his family, first, they are in a restaurant. John took his family. Next, Maria was very happy amd her children too. After that, he holding a knife and a fork maria ordered green salad she likes salad tom ordered cheese jane ordered sop. john was wear blue t shirt maria wears green t shirt next day tom absent his class he is very lazy evry day he is late he is 8 years old jane is very smart girl she goes to her scool evry day she is 7 years old .

  2. Wanderley de Araujo

    There are many good places to learn by reading , for exemple : libary , bookstore , StarBucks , etc....
    In may opinion the Starbucks is very good place becouse has confortable chairs , special coffee and good music .
    I have been a good experience in Starbucks becose a lisening other people speaking English and I can practice my English.

  3. My name is Anibal Manuel;

    The Chicago is a big city once we can seeing memorial old buildings, the old and modern an archictetura,museuns.

    Is people funny allways, a second place more important in America.

    In Dawntan Chicago Center,we have been looking the famouse power of the economic end envoirement of goverment.
    Slolly city,will go to grownding more; the industry and farms (agriculture) is tougther into on way.

    The transports and communications are full.
    The sistem security is nice than propicy the freedom of the peaple.


  4. You Won $ 1,000.000.00

    My name is Anibal manuel;

    I my culture the money we won with work.

    But,if we think in won money woring or won in lotary game;
    when I have $1.000 0000 will get applications 59%in Resouts of the first class in Rio de Janeiro Brazil - Coupa Cabana other in Ipanema.
    30% constutions resouts in Kenya Safary.
    The 3% aplication in Eurobonds.
    And 8% spent in Hollidays and vacations with my family.
    Atention,not is dream reality.


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Abdullah Alalawi -- The dog is next to the chicken.